Shive-Hattery is an Architecture and Engineering Firm
Shive-Hattery is an architecture and engineering firm with over 115 years of continuous operation. We go beyond full service to give clients a single source of solutions. Outstanding client service is our mission. The process of getting there is unique to each project and each client. Providing the right team of talented specialists, identifying and managing the critical steps to success and delivering quality service—it’s what we’ve done for more than 115 years.
Keywords: Architecture, engineering, 3D Scanning, 3D Visualization, Architectural Design,
Budget Development, Building Envelope, Building Science, Civil Engineering, Commissioning, Construction Administration, Construction Observation, Electrical Engineering, Energy, Environmental Graphics, Environmental Services, Graphic Design, Interior Design, Land Surveying, Landscape Architecture, Masterplan,
Materials Testing, Mechanical Engineering, Needs Assessment, Planning, Programming, Roofing, Site Design, Site Planning. Structural Engineering, Study
Sustainability, Traffic and Transportation, Transportation Engineering, Wastewater,